Inbox 2 Migration

Starting this fall, we'll begin the migration from Legacy Mailbox to Inbox 2. While Legacy Mailbox has served us well for the past several years, we are excited for this next step in it's evolution. The Legacy Mailbox experience had become visually dense, with limited room for growth and new features.

Enter Inbox 2, designed with a modernized UI, enhanced legibility, and faster performance. We’ve streamlined the interface to provide a more intuitive and accessible experience, optimizing how you view threads and understand context. Our goal was to reduce noise, focus on what’s most important, and give you the flexibility to customize your workflow. The result is an inbox that not only looks better but works smarter—setting you up for a more efficient and enjoyable experience.

Move to Inbox 2

Planned Migration

Account Owners and Admins will receive a notice 30 days ahead of the migration date. After that 30 day period, all users in the account will be automatically moved to the new inbox experience. We recommend opting in during your 30 day window so you will have plenty of time to familiarize yourself with the updates before your migration date. We also invite you to register for a live class tailored specifically to Inbox hosted by a member of our support team.

Opt-in Early

Ready to experience Inbox 2 right now? Starting on the Dashboard, click on Get Started and then click Update Now to be updated to Inbox2.

Opting in before your migration date ensures that you'll be confident in the inbox experience ahead of the migration.

Note: If you don’t see this option on your Dashboard, it means account was opened after we rolled out the new experience and you are already in the latest and greatest.

Preparing for the Transition

Here are some tips for preparing yourself for using Inbox 2 ahead of your migration date:

  • Allow yourself time to adjust. Pick a time that isn't busy and just explore the updated layout without any pressure start working in Inbox 2 right away. We find it typically takes about one day to become comfortable with the changes.
  • Focus on core actions first. Find the key features you use the most and get familiar with them. By focusing on your core actions, you'll quickly build your confidence in Inbox 2.
  • Attend a live class. Sign up for one of our Inbox 2 focused classes led by a member of our support. Register here.

Inbox 2 Highlights

Get Organized with Views

Create views in the Inbox to filter incoming conversations based on the criteria like tags, assignments, status, and more. 

See Create and Manage Inbox Views for more.

Move Faster with AI Tools

With our AI tools, you can draft replies, edit, translate text, and even summarize conversations threads.

AI Drafts will create a high-quality draft ready to review, revise if needed, and send in just one click.

Read on here: AI Drafts

Let AI Assist check your grammar and spelling in replies, modify the tone or length of what you wrote, or even translate your text to a different language.

Read more here: AI Assist

Use AI Summarize to get a quick summary of an entire conversation with one click.

Read more here: AI Summarize

Control What You See and Send

Snooze conversations that can wait, remind yourself of timely follow-ups, and schedule emails to send exactly when you want. 

Read more about these features here:

Write Your Best Replies

Compose and add the right content faster with easier text formatting, a new shortcut menu, saved reply previews, and more. 

See What's New With the Conversation Editor for full details.

Modern and Adaptable UI

Stay focused and in the zone with an accessible, legible, and customizable UI that gives you better control over what stays in view. 

Powerful Shortcuts

Get more done with the new command palette, and perform powerful actions without ever needing to use your mouse. 

Tip: Type in "Confetti" for a fun suprise!

Check out the following details:

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