Explore Messages

Say hello 👋 to Messages and proactively communicate with your customers and site visitors.

Messages can be used anywhere on your website, without the need for additional heavy lifting by your website developers or engineering team. 

“We use Messages because we needed a lightweight quick implementation that would show different timely messages to different people, without having to write the code ourselves.”

-Barnaby Lashbrooke at Time Etc

Take a look below and get inspired by how some different industries and teams are using Messages to improve their communication with customers.

Customer Support teams

See how support teams can use Messages to reduce incoming email volume and customer confusion by serving up help articles before customers get in touch, offering chat in sticky parts of the app, or making timely announcements.

Messages Examples for Customer Support teams

eCommerce companies

Check out how to utilize Messages to advertise sales and promotions to customers, offer live help and increase brand awareness.

Message Examples for eCommerce companies

Education organizations

Learn how departments on campus are using Messages to communicate with current and prospective students, alumni, and general website visitors.

Messages Examples for Educational organizations 

Marketing teams

Read how your Marketing team can drive signups, announce new features, and highlight promotions using Messages on your website.

Messages Examples for Marketing teams 

Product teams

Take a peek at how Product teams can leverage Messages to improve the feedback loop, gather feedback, run surveys, and chat directly with customers.

Messages Examples for a Product team

Sales & Customer Success teams

Discover how Messages can help you book more sales calls,  offer guidance through account setup, and improve product stickiness in the customers’ onboarding journey.

Messages Examples for Sales & Customer Success teams

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