Forward From Microsoft 365 Outlook Web Access (OWA)

This article will walk you through forwarding email from Outlook Web Access on Microsoft 365 (formerly known as Office 365), also known as OWA, to your Help Scout Inbox.


First things first: Make sure you have followed the first steps in Connect Your Custom Address and you have your Help Scout Inbox Address ready.


Log in to your Microsoft 365 Outlook Web Access as your custom email address. You may be able to log in at If you're not able to log in there, check with your email administrator to find out the address for your OWA login page. Click the gear icon in the top menu to open Settings.


Choose Mail, then Forwarding. Click Enable forwarding and paste in your Help Scout Inbox address. We recommend also checking Keep a copy of forwarded messages as an archive. Click Save at the bottom of this screen then close the menu by clicking the x in the top right corner. 


That will do it — head back into Help Scout to see your emails in your Inbox! Next steps: Set up DKIM to allow Help Scout servers to send email on your behalf, or set up Custom SMTP to have your email sent from Microsoft 365's servers.

Note: You may need to take an additional step if you're receiving bounce messages after setting up the forwarding here. Microsoft 365 spam protection might be set to block automatic forwards for your organization. Reach out to your Microsoft 365 administrator and point them over to Enable External Forwarding in Microsoft 365 for the steps they need to take to allow your email to forward to Help Scout.

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