Create a New Beacon
Beacon is our corner widget product that allows you to serve up live chat, Docs help, and proactive Messages in one location. There is no limit to the number of Beacons you can create on paid plans, and our Beacon builder makes it quick and easy to get things rolling!
You must have the Messages & Beacons: Create, edit, delete permission to create a new Beacon. See User Roles and Permissions for help.
Head to Manage > Beacons and click New Beacon to start creating a Beacon.
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Customize your Beacon
Give your Beacon a name and choose your color from the dropdown menu. Pick a Button Style — this is the button that will appear on your page or app after you have installed your Beacon. If you choose Icon and text or Text only a text box will appear for you to define the Button Text.
Choose Hidden if you are going to create your own custom button or link to open Beacon using the Beacon JavaScript API.
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Set your Contact Settings
Choose the contact options you would like to offer through your Beacon.
Note: You cannot toggle Email form off if you have yet to create a Docs site Collection. If you plan to use Beacon only for Docs, you will be able to adjust this setting after you've created your Beacon. Similarly, Email form must be on if Chat is on. Beacon will fallback to email when your team is not available to chat. Check out User Availability and Maximum Chats for more information. - 3
Choose your Docs Site and Mode
Choose the Docs site you would like your Beacon to use, if any. If you have yet to create a Docs site Collection, you will not see this screen during Beacon setup. You can edit these settings after you have created your Beacon and your first collection.
Pick the Mode you would like to use if you have chat or email and Docs enabled. See Work with Beacon Modes for more detail on that feature.
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Grab the Installation Code
Click Copy to copy the installation code for your Beacon to your clipboard, or choose the Send instructions link to quickly email that code to the person who will be installing it on your site or app — or just email it to yourself!
Want to customize your Beacon installation? You got it! Just head over to the Beacon JavaScript API — grab your favorite developer (or dig in if you've got the skills) and make that Beacon do what you want.
You're all set! Change any of these settings any time by going to Manage > Beacons and choosing the Beacon you just created. Changes made in the settings will update your Beacon automatically after it's been installed — you don't have to change the code on your site or app!