Get Started with Live Chat

It's just a few steps to get things set to start taking your first live chats through Beacon! 

In this article

Enable Chat in Beacon

When you're ready to enable chat through one of your Beacons, head over to Manage >  Beacons > [Choose Your Beacon] > Edit Beacon then follow these steps:

Click on the Contact tab in the left navigation menu.


Turn the Chat toggle on. 


Scroll down to find the Chat settings section to find some chat options and set those as desired. Check out Manage Beacon Contact Settings: Chat Options for more about these selections. 


Scroll down to the bottom of that page and click Save to commit that change. 

Set Yourself Available

You've got Beacon turned on, now you just need to let the world know you're ready. Beacon won't show your customers the chat option until someone on your team is available to take chats. 

Click your User icon in the top right corner of the top menu and select Available.  

For more information on how chat availability works in Help Scout, check out User Availability and Maximum Chats

That's it! Chat is available in your Beacon! 🎉

Just click Chat in the Inbox left navigation menu to access the chats waiting for you. Check out About the Chat Interface for more help there!

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