Gather Feedback With Email Satisfaction Ratings
Email satisfaction ratings allow your customers to rate your email replies with just a click or two. This article is all about the Satisfaction Ratings feature for email conversations in Help Scout.
In this article
Enable Ratings Per Inbox
Head to Manage > Inbox(es) > [Choose Inbox] > Satisfaction Ratings and toggle the switch to on to enable ratings. Ratings links will appear in outgoing emails below your reply. You may choose to have these links above or below your email signature.
Ratings links are sent automatically with each reply when this setting is toggled on.
Ratings Settings and Customization
Edit ratings text
Customize the ratings using the rich text editor. Click the Save button when you're happy with your results.
Translate the ratings page
Click the Translate tab on the top of the settings page to translate the English terms and phrases seen on the ratings page and the thank you page to another language. Only one set of translations is currently supported.
How Customers Rate Replies
Your customers can quickly rate your replies using the ratings links that appear in each email. Clicking or tapping on a rating option in the email will lead to a web page where they can leave an optional comment. Customers must hit the Send button in order for their rating to save, whether or not they added a comment.
Customers can rate any reply within 10 days. They can also change the rating within those 10 days. After the 10 day mark, they'll no longer be able to submit new ratings or change existing ratings.
Customer ratings cannot be deleted or removed from a conversation.
Each single reply from your team can only receive one rating, but customers can rate each reply in a conversation separately. For example, if the User sends 5 replies to the customer, the customer has the opportunity to rate all 5 replies.
Get Notification of Ratings Submissions
Notifications for ratings received are available either through integrations or with a Workflow. Integrations and Workflows are available on Standard plans or higher.
App notifications
The Campfire and Slack integrations both offer the event "Satisfaction Rating Received" as an option. Check that box in the app settings at Manage > Apps to receive that notification in your team chat app.
Email notifications
Use a Workflow send an email notification based on the criteria you want. The example below would send a Notification to you the first time a rating is submitted on a conversation. For more on Workflows, check out Get Started With Workflows.
Report on Ratings in the Happiness Report
Individual ratings are automatically funnelled in to the Happiness report. You can run this report at any time to get a handle on how happy your customers are with the level of support being provided. To learn more about the Happiness report, see Reports: Happiness.