Use Report Views to Filter Reporting Data

Views are a simple and efficient way for you to filter conversation data within the reports built in to Help Scout. In most reports, you can choose to filter data by inbox, tag, folder, and/or custom fields. 

The ability to create and manage Views requires the Manage Views permission. Users that do not have that permission can still use Views in reports if they have other permissions to reports. See User Roles and Permissions for more on permission settings. 

In this article

Create and Save a View

Select any report from the Reports dropdown menu. 

Note: The Docs report has different options for Views, but function the same way. 

Click the + sign at the top of the reports page and begin adding conditions as needed. Your report will update in real time as you build.

To remove conditions, click the grey next to each line item. 

Click the AND button to add a new condition that must also match, using AND search logic. Multiple criteria added to a single condition will use OR search logic. 

The example View above will filter data from the J&G Clothing Help inbox, AND the damaged OR the due-today tag.


To keep the View you've just created to use again in the future, click Save, name it, then click Save again. You will find the View listed in the Views dropdown list. 

Manage Views

You can edit or delete views at any time if you'd like to change any conditions, or if the data is no longer relevant or needed, as long as you have the Manage Views permission. The Views list uses alphanumeric sorting. 

Click the Views dropdown menu and select the View that you'd like to edit or delete.


The report will then update to show that particular view. Click Edit to begin editing the view.


After changing or adding the conditions to your liking, click Save Changes to save the existing view. If you'd rather do away with the view completely, choose Delete. There is no option to recover a deleted view.

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