Auto-forward From Other Providers to Help Scout

We've searched and found guides to set up automatic email forwarding for some of the most popular hosts and email providers as linked below. 

If you don't see your provider listed here, your best bet is to reach out to the support team for your email provider to ask about automatic forwarding — they should be able to help you get things set up!

Check out Get Your Email Into Help Scout: Connect Your Custom Email Address for the first steps (including finding out your Help Scout Inbox address for the forwarding), then check with your provider's guide below or their support team for how to set up the automatic forwarding from their side of things. 

Are the links on this page not working for you? Urgh! Because we don't maintain these guides ourselves, the owners can (and do!) move or remove them without notifying us. We definitely appreciate a heads up if you find one that's broken so we can fix that up! Check in with their support to find the answers on how to forward if a link isn't working.;

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